The Queenship of The Blessed Virgin Mary

The Queenship of The Blessed Virgin Mary - August 22nd

Churches of Honor in Rome
Santi Giovanni e Paolo
(Saints John and Paul)
Piazza dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo 13
Rome, Italy
*This church is south of the Colosseum.
*A chapel in the left transept is dedicated to the Coronation of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
*Located beneath this church is a complex of well preserved ancient Roman houses. Among these is an ancient house church. These ruins can be visited.
*St Paul of the Cross (d. 1775) is buried under the altar in the large side chapel on the right side of the nave. Upon request one can visit the room in which he died in the monastery adjacent to the church.
San Lorenzo in Damaso
(Saint Lawrence in Damaso)
Piazza della Cancelleria 1
Rome, Italy
*This church is at the Palazzo della Cancelleria near Campo de' Fiori.
*The altarpiece in the main sanctuary, completed by Federico Zuccari in the 16th century, depicts the Coronation of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Gesu e Maria (Jesus and Mary)
Via del Corso 45
Rome, Italy
*This church is near Piazza del Popolo. It is dedicated to the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.
*The large painting in the main sanctuary depicts the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was completed by Giacinto Brandi in the 17th century.

Chiesa Nuova (New Church)
Via del Governo Vecchio 134
Rome, Italy
*This church is along the Corso Vittorio Emanuele.
*The chapel within the right transept is dedicated to the Coronation of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
*The body of St Philip Neri (d. 1595) is enshrined in the left transept. His private rooms can be visited on certain days of the week. They are located in the right wall of the left transept.
Santo Spirito in Sassia
(Holy Spirit in Sassia)
Via dei Penitenzieri 12
Rome, Italy
*This church is near the Vatican.
*The second chapel on the left side of the nave is dedicated to the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.