Sts Simon and Jude

Simon and Jude, apostles - October 28th

St Simon (Relics: Rome, Italy)

St Jude (Relics: Rome, Italy; Chicago, Illinois, USA)

First Class Relics

St Peter’s Basilica
Rome, Italy
St Joseph’s Altar
*Located in the left transept where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved.
*Relics of the two apostles, St Simon and St Jude, rest under this altar.
National Shrine of St Jude
3200 East 91st Street
Chicago, Illinois, 60617, USA
*Two bone fragments of St Jude rest within this church. They are located at the Altar of St Jude on the right side of the main sanctuary. The larger fragment is placed within a reliquary above the altar. The smaller piece is positioned on the kneeler directly in front of the altar.

San Salvatore in Lauro
(Holy Savior in Lauro)
Piazza San Salvatore in Lauro 15
Rome, Italy
*This church is west of Piazza Navona.
*A small bone fragment from an arm of St Jude rests within a side chapel in this church.