St Stanislaus

Stanislaus, bishop and martyr – April 11th

St Stanislaus (d. 1079, Kraków, Poland) (Relics: Kraków, Poland)

First Class Relics

Wawel Cathedral
Wawel 3
31-001 Kraków, Poland
*The remains of St Stanislaus rest within this church. They are placed within an exquisite silver-plated coffin located above the main altar in the center of this church. St Stanislaus was martyred by the King of Poland, Bolesław II, after he had placed the king under excommunication.
*St John Paul II was ordained a priest in 1946 and celebrated his first Mass in the crypt of this church. It was also here where he was consecrated bishop.

Churches of Honor in Rome

San Stanislao alle Botteghe Oscure
(Saint Stanislaus at the Hidden Shops)
Via delle Botteghe Oscure 15
Rome, Italy
*This church is near Piazza Venezia. It is dedicated to St Stanislaus. It is not open often.
*All liturgies are in Polish.